Latest PublicationS
- High-Tech Migration Control in the EU and beyond: The Legal Challenges of ‘Enhanced Interoperability, in: Carpanelli, E. and Lazzerini, N. (eds.), New Technologies as Legal Challenges for International and European Law, Springer, 2018 (with D. Vitiello)
- Artificial Intelligence and Big Data – An Uncharted Territory for Migration Studies?, Blog of the NCCR on the move - The migration-mobility nexus, 11 April 2017
- Computers with law degrees? The role of artificial intelligence in transnational dispute resolution, and its implications for the legal profession, Transnational Dispute Management, Volume 14, Issue 2 (2017)
- Module "Legal Tech", Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), since Fall Term 2018
- Seminar "Algorithms and Law - A Course on Legal Tech", University of Bern, Spring 2018
- Seminar "Artificial Intelligence: Challenges for Law, Regulation, and Policy", University of Bern, Spring 2017